When buying the components for a construction project, sometimes you can’t get everything you need in one place and you have to split-up the order. It’s not ideal, and it takes a little more time, but once all the parts are in, the job happens, and everyone is happy. It’s the same thing for project financing.
The same concept applies to multi-scoped projects: let’s say you have a $500,000 project that includes solar, an energy storage solution (ESS), and a fair amount of electrical work. You go on CleanFi.com, get some financing quotes and learn that the property doesn’t have a high enough valuation to make that amount work via C-PACE, and the company does not have the valuation to borrow the funds. What are we going to do? Split the project up into separately financeable parts.

By separating your project into individual scopes, Cleanfi.com delivers
funding mechanisms best suited for each scope, and the net result is that
you are able to fund the entirety of the project. So, for example, Cleanfi.com
matches the solar portion with a Power Purchase Agreement, the ESS with a
capital lease, and then fits the electrical work into the amount that’s
available through C-PACE.
The advantage of CleanFi is that we partner with numerous funders that
have multiple funding mechanisms. So your funding can be multi layered,
like the project itself.
CleanFi.com is like your project finance department on steroid.
For more information please contact: admin@CleanFi.com
© 2023 Philippe Hartley, licensed to CleanFi